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Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior

There’s no better method to promote general health than having a healthy sexual life, and making love to your spouse is the best way to do it. Healthy sex not only promotes reproduction but also enhances social, mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


What is sexual addiction?

Sexual addiction is an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or activities that can’t be controlled and cause distress or harm your health, relationships, career or other aspects of your life. Sexual addiction is the most commonly used lay term. You may hear healthcare professionals call this compulsive sexual behavior, problematic sexual behavior, hypersexuality, hypersexuality disorder, sexual compulsivity or sexual impulsivity at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

Although sex addiction involves activities that can be common to a sex life — such as masturbation, pornography, phone sex, cybersex, multiple partners and more — it’s when your sexual thoughts and activities consume your life that you may be considered to have a sexual addiction.

Is a sex addiction similar to other addictions?

Yes. The “addiction feeling” is what makes it similar. The craving for sex is similar to cravings felt for alcohol or drugs by those who have addictions to these substances. It’s an overwhelming compulsion or temptation that’s so strong you feel that you have to have it. It’s an out-of-control feeling, never feeling satisfied feeling or a constant battle to take control of something that’s on autopilot. You return to the behavior — over and over again — despite the negative consequences at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

How common is sexual addiction and who is most affected?

Hypersexuality appears to affect about 3% to 10% of the general U.S. population. It’s more common in men than women. For every two to five males with hypersexuality, one woman is affected. Sexual addiction begins, on average, at 18 years of age. Most individuals don’t reach out for professional help until age 37.

Many individuals (88%) have a history of other mental health conditions, too, including: at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

Is sex addiction or hypersexuality considered a mental health disorder?

Debate is ongoing if hypersexuality can be classified as a mental health disorder. The American Psychiatric Association rejected a proposal to include hypersexual disorder as a condition in DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), their manual for assessing and diagnosing mental health conditions. Their reason was lack of evidence and the potential consequences of calling excessive sexual activity a “pathology” (calling it a disease or disorder).

What does a sexual addict think or feel about their sexual obsession?

A sex addict may feel:

Symptoms and Causes

What are the signs and symptoms of sexual addiction or hypersexuality?

Although there’s no established criteria for hypersexuality, traits that are commonly seen in a hypersexual person or sexual addict include: at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

What are the complications of having a sexual addition or hypersexuality?

Complications of sexual addiction include:

What causes sexual addiction or hypersexuality?

Scientists aren’t totally sure what causes hypersexuality. Possible theories include:

Diagnosis and Tests

How is hypersexuality diagnosed?

Your healthcare professional or mental health professional may ask you about your:

Your healthcare provider may ask for your permission to talk with your family and friends to gain more input.

Your healthcare provider may also want to rule out other conditions for which hypersexuality may be a symptom, such as bipolar disorder (manic episode), hyperandrogenism, anxiety, personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette’s disorder.

At present, there isn’t an agreed diagnostic criteria for hypersexuality. Despite this, mental health professionals skilled in addiction disorders will recognize life-consuming sexual behaviors and can offer appropriate treatment options at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

Management and Treatment

How is sexual addiction, hypersexuality, treated?

Sexual addiction, or hypersexuality, is treated with a combination of medications, psychotherapy and self-help group therapy.


No medication is specifically approved to treat sexual addiction. However, medications that act on your brain’s “urge and behavior” hormones and chemicals and that are prescribed for similar medical conditions can be tried. Your healthcare provider will prescribe medications that are best suited for you, considering any other mental health conditions you may have at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.


Psychotherapy involves a variety of techniques. During psychotherapy, you’ll talk with a mental health professional who’ll help you identify and manage factors that might be triggering your hypersexuality behaviors. Psychotherapy is provided to individuals, as well as to families and couples, since all are affected by an individual’s sexual addiction at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

Self-help support groups

These are modeled after the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. A few of these groups include: Sex Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, and Sexual Compulsives Anonymous. Check the websites of these organizations to find local chapters near you at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.


Can sexual addiction or hypersexuality be prevented?

Whether or not sexual addiction can be prevented depends on the underlying cause(s). Sometimes, there’s a chemical imbalance in your brain. Or, another health condition’s side effect or symptom is hypersexuality. There are many factors that come into play in the development or appearance of a sexual addiction.

But even if you can’t control all the factors, you can take some control of some things that might escalate your thoughts, urges, desires and actions. These include:

Outlook / Prognosis

What outcome can I expect if I’m a sex addict?

Although there isn’t a cure for sex addiction, if you recognize it and want to end your excessive thoughts, desires, urges and behaviors, it can be effectively managed. It requires your life-long commitment, just as it would for other types of addictions.

Additional Common Questions

How might I know if I have a sexual addiction?

Does your sexual behavior cause you distress or interfere with important areas of functioning? Do you:

If you answer YES to any of these questions, you may want to make an appointment with your healthcare provider. They might refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist for additional help. If you have suicidal thoughts, call your healthcare provider right away or call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

Is there a link between sexual addiction and depression?

There may be. There may be an increase in hypersexual behavior during periods of depressed moods. Symptoms of depression may respond to antidepressant medications at Sex Addiction, Hypersexuality and Compulsive Sexual Behavior.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If your sexual appetite and activities are causing you distress, consuming your life and causing harm to your personal, professional and/or family life, it’s time to talk with your healthcare professional. Many people don’t seek care because they’re ashamed or feel guilty. Your healthcare team makes no judgment about your sexual behavior. They’re here to help you. The best outcome will be reached if you’re honest and open with everyone — your family, your partner, your medical team and most importantly, yourself. Many treatment options are available to help you.

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